Fight against the COVID-19: Cameroon Has Been Living Hand-To-Mouth?

-The Sins Of The Yaoundé Regime

-People Take Care of Yourselves! Stay at home! Wash Your Hands Often with Soap! Use Hand Sanitisers!!!

The ravaging coronavirus pandemic whose inroots in Cameroon sprouted in the nation’s capital and is seeing exponential growth across the board, is either being underrated by the Yaounde regime or the regime is wracked with abject incapacity to hold out a candle to the world’s greatest monster in recent times.

The most Yaounde has taken by now are measures, albeit necessary measures, which will undeniably exact excruciating pain on Cameroonian of all walks of life, with no mitigating measures, especial economic to cushion the inevitable effects.

I have in mind the orders for Cameroonians to stay at home, wear masks, use hand sanitisers, regulated public transportation, limited businesses, closed down schools and the impending piercing thoroughgoing lockdown, should the pace of spread be maintained, which all bear largely on the citizens.

Where is Cameroon with playing economic cards from up its sleeves in times of emergency to reminisce what obtains in even in politically lame countries like it?

While such nations are unleashing one succour to another for its threatened citizens, Yaounde is squandering time either scribbling a great deal of literature or vociferously ranting on TV, radio platforms with hardly a bait to keep its citizens confined and meticulously follow the directives of the ministry of health.

It seems not to be in Yaounde;s vocabulary to reduce fuel prices, pay salaries of civil servants in advance and source basic resources for the unemployed as a way of holistically tackling the novel catastrophe.

Am I by any chance right to think that Cameroon depleted its emergency reserve for some irrational and senseless causes, and when this titanic challenge has set in, Yaounde has been tuned listless and has resigned its responsibilities and abandoned its people to fate?

How possibly can my thoughts be otherwise when even while seeing the marauding disease wreaking destruction the world over, Yaounde posits itself in seren composure like it had all the time in the world, while it begins to herald the increasing number of infected persons and deaths? How shrouded in lustrelessness!!!

Amidst the odds, Yaounde will be remembered for playing the songbird, sounding trumpets of perhaps a replay of Noah’s Ark and telling Cameroonians with exactitude the toll it can have on the entire globe.

The lip service plus a the handful of health installations and actions are in Yaounde’s credit, no one’s denying the fact.

But having discerned the regime’s ineptitude and inaptitude to fully address the emergency, Cameroonians now have the Hobson’s choice to muster courage and face their destiny.

Would they want to fetch a few resources to reserve some iotas of energy and steer clear gatherings to avert contamination, or would they want to keep on hustling indiscriminately defiant of social distance and meet the expected doom of the monstrous COVID-19?

The former option is rational, economical, God-fearing and gives reason to human existence!!!

Even with the barest minimum to survive, stay at home and dissuade people from visiting! Continually wash your hands with soap! Use hand sanitisers and God will do the rest for you!


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