The U.S. Amber Light Warning To Cameroon: Cohen Herman, US Diplomat Explains

“The Biya government must apply negotiated settlement to end Anglophone crisis soonest”….“By removing Cameroon’s duty-free access to U.S. markets under AGOA, President Trump has sent a signal to the Biya regime that increased pressure will be applied if a negotiated settlement to the insurgency in the Anglophone regions is not reached soon,”Cohen insists Cameroon must stop rights abuses and extrajudicial killings in the restive North West and South West regions where kids have not been to school for three years.

“There is no military solution to the conflict between Paul Biya’s regime in Cameroon, and the Anglophone separatists at war with it since 2017,” he said. He added that, “The overwhelming, brutal, and repressive response of Biya’s security forces has resulted in countless killings, hundreds of thousands displaced, and a total denial of basic services in the Anglophone regions,” he rounds off.

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